Takaisin kaikkiin tapahtumiin

Jukai Sesshin

This time our Jukai sesshin* will be quite special!

Denkai ceremony takes place on Thursday afternoon and as usual, on Friday evening there will be a Jukai ceremony, in which a group of students will receive the Bodhisattva precepts and formally become Buddhists.

But also - for the very first time in the history of Ordinary Mind Zendo here in Finland - there will be a Denkai ceremony. Those who receive Denkai are authorized to teach in our lineage.

On this sesshin three person will receive this authorization from our teacher Karen Terzano: one from Finland, one from Sweden, and one from USA.

After the ceremonies, both the Jukai participants as well as the new teachers, will all be giving a short talk during the evening and the next day.

Given this special nature of the sesshin, we are expecting a very full house, so signing in early is advised! **Registration is now closed**

Myöhempi tapahtuma: 20. lokakuuta
Zazenkai Helsinki